GDP of Uzbekistan is equal to GSP of Alaska, but the population is 40x different. What about debt?

JTPDpidThis fun map published on Business Insider, demonstrate the level of consumption of USA compared to the rest of the world. In most cases population of the Countries is greater than that of the compared states. Another funny map to look at is the one below that shows the countries of the world resized to their total public debt in 2011 as estimated by the IMF.

The richest nations take a huge gamble, while the economic livelihoods of the large populations in the economically disadvantaged parts of the world suffer disproportionally high from the consequences (“No country, however, is spared from the consequences of
the downturn. The impact on developing countries is even greater”, quoted from an IPC paper).

About Ahmed Islamov

I was born and raised in Uzbekistan and lived in that country for about two thirds of my life. I left the country about 14 years ago but sustained tight bonds with my family and friends living there. I know and communicate personally with hundreds of people including blue-, white- or pink-collar workers. I am naturally very attached to and concerned with everything that is going on there.
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1 Response to GDP of Uzbekistan is equal to GSP of Alaska, but the population is 40x different. What about debt?

  1. Joseph Stans says:

    What a paradise1 Why did you leave? It would seem that the goal would be to keep this a secret to keep those of us who would rather not use toilet paper away. By the way, I have traveled to Uzbekistaan and that is one of the reasons it is not high on my list.


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